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Our Church Council
According to our church constitution, the church council is comprised of church members who lead the different areas of ministry of our church and is referred to as F.A.M.M.I.L.Y. This acrostic corresponds to the different areas of ministry, which are the following: Fellowship, Administration, Music, Ministry, Instruction, Light (Outreach) and Youth.
Below is a brief summary of the role and responsibilities of F.A.M.M.I.L.Y.:
-Elected by the congregation at the annual membership meeting
-Serves as the nominating committee
-The primary function is to implement the church’s objectives and goals
-Reviews and coordinates ministry and program plans, organizations, and committees
-Oversees leadership, the use of calendar time, and other resources
For a complete description of F.A.M.M.I.L.Y.’s role and responsibilities, please click on this link to our church’s constitution. Also, please see below for our church’s organizational chart.